Farewell to Thomas Craig Manick, beloved partner, father, son, brother and friend. Tom passed away early Monday morning July 11th, due to complications of cancer. He was born on Sept. 12, 1953, to Nick and Barb Manick in Minneapolis, MN. Tom was preceded in death by his mother, Barb Manick Ackerman. Surviving loved ones are his father, Nick Manick; his son, Kris Manick; sisters, Deb Heimerl (Rick) and Pam Fishbach (Dave); brothers, Jeff Manick (Jacquie) and Steve Manick (Linda). Also sharing his loss is Anne Marie Moseman, friend and partner for 20 years and her family. All who knew and loved Tom will remember his crazy hair, and his outrageous sense of humor. Tom worked in the landscape industry for over 30 years and is well known among this community of people. He will be deeply missed by many. Please join his family and loved ones to celebrate his life on Friday July 22, 2016, 1:00 to 6:00 at the Coon Lake County Park Beach Pavilion, located in Columbus, MN at the intersection of 193rd Ave. NE and Lexington Ave. NE. We will remember his life and share stories. Please in lieu of flowers, bring your memories to share.
Funeral Home: Mattson Funeral Home 343 North Shore Drive Forest Lake, MN US 55025
Previous Events
Friday, July 22, 2016
1:00 PM
- 6:00 PM
Coon Lake County Park Beach Pavillion
Columbus, MN